From the 1985 Canadian Sears Wishbook...

Galaxy Gun 2001: Original Retail: $14.99

Catalog Description: Galaxy Gun. Easy to use--with only the turn of the dial you get 12 different space sounds. Light pulsates when shooting. Uses one 9-volt battery (not incl.)*, Plastic.
Ages 3 and up

Catalog Scan courtesy of "Irwin Toys, the Canadian Star Wars Experience"

If someone was shooting a galaxy gun at a Stormtrooper in the original trilogy, I bet the trooper would die of laughter. All kidding aside, this gun really only superficially resembles the Luke Jedi gun, but what makes it a bootleg is the X-Wing on the box art. What's mind blowing is that the gun was imported by Simpsons Canada, a major retailer (similar to J.C. Penney). To add to the confusion, Simpsons was once owned in part by Sears, and was bought over by the Hudson Bay Company when it went bankrupt in 1983.

Amazingly enough this piece still lights up and makes all 12 sounds, all of which are reminiscent of annoying cell phone ringers.