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Original painting from Parker Bros. thought to be alternate artwork for the ROTJ Atari Cartridge Box.
These pieces of artwork were used by West End Games.
Kenner Photography
A similar negative to this one was most likely used in the production of the Luke Poncho Cardback Artwork. You can see the positive image that can be created from the negative with a transparency scanner.
This shot would have been taken around the time of the ROTJ 48 backs. It is unknown what purpose if any it was used for, but it shows most of the Action Figures released up to the end of the Empire Strikes Back, with the notable inclusion of Admiral Ackbar and Nien Nunb, the first two mailaways, Ackbar being offered on Empire Strike back 48 backs (US) and the Canadian Transition Cards, while the Nien Nunb being offered on the ROTJ 48 backs (U.S.) and the ROTJ 65 Back (Canadian).
Tie Bomber Prototype - Note how the missile launcher and paint colour differs from the production tie bomber.
Miscellaneous Kenner Products. Certain elements of this photograph were used in the Return of the Jedi catalogs, inserted into boxed toys.